New parents
We try to raise our kids alone (with our partners). It’s tough, it’s hard. Makes sense though, it’s because it takes a village to raise a child. It really does. We pretend to be able to do it alone. And that we know it all and know it best. We (mom)shame each other for different choices made, other paths taken. Just because we are so insecure about our own parenting. And that should be okay, insecurity. But sadly it isn’t. Individualism messes with us again and society seems to dictate we keep up appearances. We got it all together, we are doing great. But be real now, sometimes we just aren’t. And that should be okay.
Here, I EM will help. What if all new parents, maybe especially moms, knew a tribe has their backs? What if feeling like a failure was okay and you’d have someone to talk to? What if someone just brought a struggling mom a meal? What if new parents felt supported rather than judged? What if s sympathetic reaction was default in stead of an hateful one? What if we knew ourselves loved and cared for? Then everything would be okay. Of course, it would still be the hardest work you’ve ever done but you’d feel supported and, this is critical, your emotions would be okay. All. Of. Them.